Recently we have received enquiry about changing the rink in the middle of a match and here is our response to it. Please note that due to green shortage, competitors should be considerate and make every effort to compromise to complete the game.
就懷疑有球員不當地使用政府場地用球之澄清(Issued On 06/7/23)
各位球友, 就發現有市民私自使用或懷疑有人偷去康文署之球作為私下自用一事再次作出澄清: 於2019年, 由於製作之錯誤, 誤將24套全新之Drakes Pride 黑色滾球刻上了LCSD 之字在球面, 為免浪費及惠及一些新球員, 本人以低於成本價出售了該批滾球予不同球友, 當時亦為免別人誤會, 有提供了特別貼紙作遮蓋, 但近日聽到有些熱心市民向不同場地投訴或查詢, 並直指政府浪費公帑, trade in 賤買政府物資, 更甚者有人質疑是否有人偷取場地用球, 本人在此再次聲明, 此批滾球絕非來自政府場地, 而政府場地亦似乎沒有有被盜取滾球之記錄, 相信提出質詢的人亦只是本著監察政府部門出發, 並非想作出無中生有或針對個人攻擊, 希望當時買了這批滾球之人士會向其他人多作解釋, 以釋除公眾疑慮. 如仍有使用此批球之球員, 如需要新貼紙, 可向本人聯絡再取一些 請各球友廣傳. PHILIP CHAN SW88HK
查詢有關部份私人會所強制要求所有進入會所人士必須使用「安心出行」應用程式登記的問題(Issued On 20/4/23)
關於HKFC 只可用安心出行apps嘅問題,有以下疑問,想向總會查詢。 政府康文署轄下運動場所,都容許選擇安心出行apps 或填寫資料,私人球會中只有HKFC不提供填寫資料的選擇,請問如作客HKFC的球員,電話安裝不到或基於私隱不安裝安心出行apps,比賽將如何安排?
The use of mixed set of bowls during a game
Recently there was a case in the Triples League when one team needed to play with a player less. As the remaining players only carried two bowls, they wanted to use a house bowl to make up of the three bowls required. However this was rejected by his opponent and eventually they have to replace...