查詢有關部份私人會所強制要求所有進入會所人士必須使用「安心出行」應用程式登記的問題(Issued On 20/4/23)

關於HKFC 只可用安心出行apps嘅問題,有以下疑問,想向總會查詢。
政府康文署轄下運動場所,都容許選擇安心出行apps 或填寫資料,私人球會中只有HKFC不提供填寫資料的選擇,請問如作客HKFC的球員,電話安裝不到或基於私隱不安裝安心出行apps,比賽將如何安排?


(English Translation)
This is a response from HKLBA to a bowler who questioned HKFC’s rule of the compulsory use of the LeaveHomeSafe apps when entering its clubhouse:

With reference to your enquiry about the compulsory use of the LeaveHomeSafe apps for registration when entering the premises of a private club, please note that all players need to observe the house rules of any individual club.  In this case your players will need to follow the rules set by the home club and use the LeaveHomeSafe apps before you may grant entrance to the club.

You may need to make other lineup arrangement if your player cannot or not willing to use the apps.