Change of website and email address

Change of website and email address

Change of website and email address Please note that the website and email address of the Lawn Bowls Association of Hong Kong, China have been updated. Website : Email :        The email domain has been changed to  With immediate effect all email address will be changed from to While we...

Kai Tak Greens Opened on March 28

Kai Tak Greens Opened on March 28

The long-awaited lawn bowls greens at the Kai Tak Station Square was opened on Thursday, March 28. Booking of the greens also started on the same day. The two greens, which is the first public green in Kowloon, will provide a total of twelve 35M rinks. It is only three minutes walk from Exit D...

LCSD to launch new intelligent sports and recreation services booking and information system on November 9

LCSD to launch new intelligent sports and recreation services booking and information system on November 9

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (October 17) that the new intelligent sports and recreation services booking and information system, SmartPLAY, will be officially launched at 7am on November 9 to replace the current Leisure Link Computerised Booking System which will stop operation from November 6 onward.   At present, over 200...

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