Use of Walkie-talkie (Issued on 19/09/12)

In the recent council meeting the issue of using walkie-talkies during games was raised.  While the use of walkie-talkies or mobile phones is not an offense under the Law, we believe that a guideline is required to clarify the issue.


In view of this, the Council has agreed to introduce these rules, with immediate effect:


  1. Walkie-talkies or mobile phones may only be used at clubs that allow the use of such telecommunication equipments.
  2. Use of earphone is mandatory to avoid disturbance to other players.
  3. As a matter of courtesy, consent from opponent should be seek before the use of such equipment.  If the opponent does not agree the use of such equipment, then it will not be used for the specific game.
  4. Players need to notice that the law did specify penalties for situation when “the players in possession of the rink are being interfered with, annoyed or distracted in any way by their opponents”.

Please note that lawn bowls is a gentleman’s game and respect your opponent is a key element in the sport.  Hence I suggest anyone who wants to use it be considerate to other players to avoid controversy.