Prize Arrangements of 2015 National Championships and Competitions

1.Top four finishing teams (or singles players) in the following events will receive a cash prize at the Annual Presentation Dinner:

Nong’s National Singles, National Pairs, National Triples, National Fours, Indoor Singles, Knock-out Singles, 2-4-2 Pairs, Indoor Pairs, Mixed Pairs, Mixed Triples, Mixed Fours, Novice Singles and Novice Pairs. [Note that Aitkenhead Fours cash prizes had been issued separately.]

2. Top two finishing players in the Champion of Champions will receive a cash prize at the Annual Presentation Dinner.

3. Each permanent team member (or singles players) of the top two finishing teams in the following events will, in addition to the cash prize, receive a gold-plated or silver-plated medallion respectively, at the Annual Presentation Dinner:

4. Only one cheque will be issued to each cash recipient team or singles player of each event. Cheque payee name to be submitted in the form provided via club convenors.