Penalty on improper substitutes (approved on 23/9/13)

The Council of Management approved the changes on the empowerment of League Panel and defined the penalty on improper use of substitutes. The new bye-law was effective from 23 Sep 2013 onwards.


The Bye-laws in this section will apply to all National League Competitions unless otherwise specifically modified within the specific provision of the particular League Competition. The National League Competitions shall be managed and controlled by the National League Panel. The National League Panel Chairman shall be the Vice President of the Association delegated the responsibility following the Annual General Meeting, and at least two other panel members who shall be members of the Council of Management. When a player or side violates a bye-law and the penalty is not clearly defined, the League Panel can recommend any penalty to Council of Management for endorsement.

3.8.b When a player breaches Bye-law 2.12.c improper use of substitutes, or 2.12.e playing more than one game in same original fixture, the side for which he/she plays the second match shall have 2 points deducted from its match score. The opposing side shall have 2 points added if the team in which the defaulting player was the opponent lost, and one point if the team drew.

4.8.b When a player breaches Bye-law 2.12.c improper use of substitutes, or 2.12.e playing more than one game in same original fixture, the side for which he/she plays the second match shall have 2 points deducted from its match score. The opposing side shall have 2 points added if the team in which the defaulting player was the opponent lost, and one point if the team drew.