Nomination of Panels 2011-12 (Issued on 04/10/11)

Nomination of Panels 2011-12 (Issued on 04/10/11)

According to our Articles of Association clauses 44 & 45, the Council of Management shall appoint from its members such Panels as it may consider necessary for the purposes of controlling and managing all competitions of the Association.  Each of such Panels shall consist of not less than three members of the Council of Management, one of whom shall be an Officer of the Association.

Each of such Panel may co-opt other persons who are not members of the Council of Management to give expert or other special information or advice during the consideration of any subject but such persons as are co-opted shall not be entitled to vote.

I would therefore be most pleased and grateful to receive your Club and your members’ assistance on the National League, National Championships, Coaching and Umpire Panels.  Please submit your name(s) with their details to the HKLBA (Fax : 2577 5621 or Email : on or before Monday 24 Oct. 2011.

Entry Form (Word format)