Kai Tak Sports Park

Kai Tak Sports Park

The public engagement exercise for the Kai Tak Sports Park was launched by the Home Affairs Bureau  to provide information on the planning of the project and collect public views about the Sports Park. The engagement exercise includes the launch of a dedicated project website (www.KaiTakSportsPark.hk), roving exhibitions in various locations across the territory, a questionnaire survey, school briefings, and consultations with the District Councils concerned. The press release on the public engagement exercise can be found at the following links: 

Chinese : http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201605/20/P201605200291.htm
English : http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201605/20/P201605200303.htm

Member of the sports sector, and all those who are interested in sports development in Hong Kong were invited to visit the Sports Park website, complete the questionnaire and share with the Bureau their your views for the better planning and development of this important project: https://www.kaitaksportspark.hk/tc/survey.html

Please visit the website and express your view on the shortage of lawn bowls greens in Hong Kong.