Clothing and Footwear (20/8/2010)

In the recent Council Meeting we have received enquiries and comments about the clothing and footwear during games.  The general comment is that there is a deteriorate in the standard and more and more improper attire was adopted.  While the improper clothing will affect the image of the sport, improper footwear may cause damage to the greens.  I would like to draw your attention to the following laws:

  1. Players, umpires and markers should wear flat-soled (‘heel-less’) footwear when they play on the green or act as umpires or markers.  

    Proper lawn bowls shoes means lawn bowls shoes manufactured by World Bowls recognized manufacturers or if they are home-made, they must be smooth-soled heel-less shoes. The colour of the shoes recognized by HKLBA is brown or white only.”

  2. Matching team shirts means shirts worn by all players in a team when playing league games or national games must be matching in design, colour and version.  Clubs may have different versions of club shirts but only the same version is allowed in a team during a game.”

Please note that some clubs have indicated that players with improper footwear will be refused entering the greens and HKLBA does not want to see such thing happened.  We would like to urge your cooperation to maintain the high standard of the sport.