[Result update] KTSI Three Generations Lawn Bowls Competition 2021 (Photo & Result)

[Result update] KTSI Three Generations Lawn Bowls Competition 2021 (Photo & Result)

Kai Tak Sports Initiative

Three Generations Lawn Bowls Competition 2021



Kai Tak Sports Initiative Three Generations Lawn Bowls Competition 2021 – List of award


「飛越啟德」三代同堂草地滾球比賽2021 – 得獎名單



Cup Section 盃賽

Champion 冠軍: Sperm Whale

1st Runners up 亞軍: 醉緊要開心

2nd Runners up 季軍: 環保三人幫

3rd Runners up 殿軍: 其樂融融


Plate Section 碟賽

Champion 冠軍: 挪威

1st Runners up 亞軍: 喱邊好阻里

2nd Runners up 季軍: 交比我

3rd Runners up 殿軍: Gotcha


Bowl Section 碗賽

Champion 冠軍: MEQ

1st Runners up 亞軍: Add Oil Team

2nd Runners up 季軍: 偽。三代同堂

3rd Runners up 殿軍: The Shot