Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme (Scotland)

Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme (Scotland)


With the funding from LCSD, a Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme for HKYDT members was organised by HKLBA from 10th to 19th August, 2018 in Scotland.



Pre-tour Briefing

Date: 1 August, 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room, Victoria Park Outdoor Bowling Green


Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme – Scotland


Date: 10 – 19 August, 2018

Venue: Scotland


Team List

Team Manager:

Mr. Walter KWOK



Ms. Rita SHEK and Mr. Alex NG



Miss CHAN Wai Nga, Victoria

Mr. HA Yat Long, Longinus

Miss HA Yat Ting, Gloria

Miss LI Hui Shan, Rosaly

Mr. MAK Hoi Chun, Dicky

Mr. SHAM Wang Yin, Lyndon

Mr. SO Ka De, Anthony

Mr. TAM Alvin

Miss TSOI Cheuk Yi, Cherry

Mr. YAU Tze Fung, Adrian



Mr. Yiu Hok Kan, Kenneth

Ms. Wu Ka Yau, Coby



A Pre-tour Briefing will be conducted in late July/ early August.


Appeal Mechanism:

The appellant shall give written notice of his/ her appeal to the Chairman of High Performance Committee (HPC) with 3 days of the decision the appeal is against. The appellant shall lodge a deposit of HK$500 with the HKLBA


The notice of appeal shall:

(i) Set out the grounds of appeal;

(ii) Set out the outcome which is sought;

(iii) Be accompanied by a statement or statements of evidence setting out the facts of the matter;

(iv) Be accompanied by a written submission setting out why and how the appellant considers the HPC’s decision was wrong


Once the HPC has determined the outcome of the appeal, the decision, and the reasons for the decision shall be given in writing to the parties.


The deposit shall be refunded if the Appeal is allowed.

Name of Programme: Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Youth Overseas Exchange Programme (Scotland)

Period (No. of days): 10th to 19th August, 2018 (10 days)

Destination: Glasgow, Scotland

No. of Participants: 10

Target Participants: Junior Squad members and Regional Squad members


Selection Days

Date: 27th June & 4th July 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Venue: Victoria Park Outdoor Bowling Green


Selection Mechanism

1.  Drills score

  • Jacks delivery in a group within one meter
  • Bowls draw to be a shot
  • Wresting shot / Yard on shot (hit ratio)

2.  Commitment

  • Attendance rate
  • Participate in league games
  • Initiative to join open competitions
  • Volunteer to participate with the association’s activities

3.  Coach recommendation

  • Member development plan (schedule)
  • Discipline during training and competition.